Saturday, March 8, 2025

World Thinking Day 2025 Commemoration in School


Reflections on World Thinking Day Celebration at Singapore Expo

On 22 February 2025, we went to Singapore Expo Hall 1 to celebrate World Thinking Day. There were Brownies and Guides from all over Singapore. I was the Brownie who took up the role of standing behind my Six to make sure that nobody was separated from the group. Once everyone was gathered at the hall, the emcees started leading us in singing of the songs. When the Guest of Honour arrived, everyone burst into a chorus of 'There's a Welcome Here for you'. For the next few minutes, the Brownies sang many songs like the Thinking Day song and the World Song. After that, out Brownie Teachers got us into groups to participate in various activities such as learning how to save the environment. In my opinion, the most popular booth was the popcorn booth. Whenever my group passed by that booth, it was crowded with people. My group returned to the main hall earlier to watch the dazzling performances. It seemed that many other Brownies had the same idea as soon, the hall was filled up with people again. The event came to an end when prizes were given to the performers. Tired but happy, the SCGS Brownies and Tweenies boarded the bus to go back to school. It was indeed a memorable World Thinking Day for us and the taste of popcorn still lingers in mouth even now.

~ Julia