Friday, November 14, 2008

World Thinking Day 2009

The theme for World Thinking Day 2009 will be girls worldwide say “we can stop the spread of AIDS, malaria and other diseases.”

Girls worldwide say “together we can change our world” is the Global Action Theme of World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Girl Guides Singapore will adopt this theme for the triennium of 2009 - 2011.

The World Thinking Day Message by our President, Mrs Joy Balakrishnan, will be read in school on Friday, 20 February 2009. Brownies are expected to be in uniform during school hours on that day.

Thinking Day Competitions
Banner Competition:
Banners should be based on the World Thinking Day 2009 theme “Stop The Spread of AIDS, Malaria And Other Diseases” and linking it with GGS’ triennium theme for 2009-2011 “Together We Can Change Our World”.

Creative Competition:
A creative work or composition by an individual or a group. It can be expressed in the form of a musical piece, art, poetry, jingle, script for a skit, etc. The creative work or composition must be based on the World Thinking Day 2009 theme “Stop The Spread of AIDS, Malaria And Other Diseases” and linking it with GGS’ triennium theme for 2009-2011 “Together We Can Change Our World”.

Is anyone interested to take part in either competition?

Thinking Day Pennies
Each year, we collect Thinking Day Pennies to contribute to the World Thinking Day Fund, which is used by WAGGGS to develop the Movement in places where
it does not currently exist. We will start collecting Thinking Day Pennies during our first meeting in 2009.

Pen Pal Exchange with Junior Girl Scout (Troop 186) from Ohio, United States

This is our first year in the Pen Pal Exchange. More information about Troop 186 has been put up on the Brownie Board.
Girl Scouts Cookies and Jigsaw Puzzle from USA

More goodies from Ohio =)