These are what the 34th Oldham Brownies have sent us:
Alice Brehens was a very special person, particulary in the early days of the Guide Movement in UK. In 1915, Lord Baden Powell called upon Alice to be the first Chief Commissioner. She went all over England encouraging Guiders and drawing more people in to the ranks, to build up the movement. She knew the Guiders needed leadership and training and she took on the role of 'Head of Training'. In 1917, she took special care of the Senior Guides. In 1919, Miss Alice Behrens was awarded Silver Fish. Whilst all this was going on, she was still acting as County Commissioner for Lancashire. She then went to Australia, New Zealand, Cananda and South Africa to train and inspire the Guiders. On her return in 1926, the County Standard of South East Lancashire was presented to Alice.
The Standard shows the Trefoil - the emblem of the Girl Guides, the Red Rose - the emblem of Lancashire, and around the edge are 18 small roses and trefoils denoting the 18 Divisions of the County at that time, and being all the same size symbolising the unity of the whole. Across the Standard are the words "ESSE QUAM VIDERI" which means 'to be rather than to seem' and was the Behrens family motto.
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